Authentication and Authorization

Sep 21, 2021
Dec 20, 2023

Effective authentication and authorization are crucial components of a secure system. N3N employs a robust plan to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of our projects:


  1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

    • Enforce MFA for all users accessing sensitive systems or contributing to projects.
  2. Strong Password Policies:

    • Implement policies requiring strong, unique passwords and regular password updates.
  3. OAuth Integration:

    • Allow users to authenticate using OAuth providers to enhance security and simplify user management.
  4. Biometric Authentication:

    • Where feasible, explore the use of biometric authentication for an additional layer of security.
  5. Token-Based Authentication:

    • Utilize token-based authentication mechanisms for API access, ensuring secure communication.
  6. Secure Session Management:

    • Implement secure session management practices to prevent session hijacking and ensure user privacy.


  1. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

    • Implement RBAC to grant permissions based on user roles, minimizing the principle of least privilege.
  2. Fine-Grained Authorization Policies:

    • Define fine-grained policies specifying access controls at a granular level to enhance security.
  3. Audit Trails:

    • Generate audit trails for authorization decisions, helping in monitoring and incident response.
  4. Regular Access Reviews:

    • Conduct regular reviews of user access rights to ensure alignment with current roles and responsibilities.
  5. Conditional Access Policies:

    • Implement conditional access policies based on factors such as device health, location, and time.
  6. Dynamic Authorization:

    • Explore dynamic authorization mechanisms that adapt to changing conditions and requirements.
  7. Policy Enforcement Points:

    • Integrate policy enforcement points within the application to ensure consistent and centralized authorization.
  8. API Security:

    • Secure APIs by enforcing proper authentication and authorization mechanisms for API endpoints.
  9. Zero Trust Model:

    • Adopt a zero-trust security model, treating every user and device as untrusted until proven otherwise.
  10. Regular Security Audits:

    • Conduct regular security audits to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities in the authentication and authorization systems.

By adhering to this Authentication and Authorization Plan, N3N aims to establish a secure foundation for our projects, protecting sensitive data and ensuring only authorized access. Thank you for your commitment to security and contributing to a safe open-source community!