Dependency Scanning
Ensure the security of N3N open-source projects by proactively identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in project dependencies.
1. Automated Dependency Scans:
- Utilize automated dependency scanning tools to regularly analyze project dependencies for known vulnerabilities.
2. Integration with CI/CD Pipelines:
- Integrate dependency scanning into the CI/CD pipeline to automate scans with every code commit and deployment.
3. Dependency Update Notifications:
- Set up notifications for dependency updates and security patches. Keep dependencies up-to-date to mitigate known vulnerabilities.
4. Scan Frequency:
- Conduct dependency scans at least once a week to ensure timely detection of new vulnerabilities.
5. Manual Review:
- Perform periodic manual reviews of project dependencies to complement automated scans and identify any issues missed by automated tools.
6. Prioritization of Vulnerabilities:
- Prioritize vulnerabilities based on severity and potential impact. Focus on addressing critical and high-severity vulnerabilities promptly.
7. Documentation:
- Maintain clear documentation on the dependency scanning process, including tools used, scan frequency, and steps taken to address vulnerabilities.
8. Response Plan:
- Establish a response plan for addressing identified vulnerabilities. Define clear steps for mitigation, including applying patches, updating dependencies, or seeking alternative solutions.
9. Collaboration with Developers:
- Foster collaboration between security teams and developers. Provide guidance on secure coding practices and assist developers in addressing identified vulnerabilities.
10. Continuous Improvement:
- Regularly review and update the dependency scanning plan to incorporate new tools, best practices, and lessons learned from previous scans.
1. OWASP Dependency-Check:
- Use OWASP Dependency-Check to identify project dependencies with known vulnerabilities.
2. Snyk:
- Leverage Snyk for continuous monitoring of dependencies and real-time vulnerability alerts.
3. WhiteSource Bolt:
- Integrate WhiteSource Bolt for automated dependency scanning and vulnerability management.
4. GitHub Dependabot:
- Enable GitHub Dependabot to automate dependency updates and security patches.
1. Regular Reports:
- Generate and share regular reports summarizing the results of dependency scans, including identified vulnerabilities and actions taken.
2. Communication Channels:
- Establish clear communication channels for reporting and addressing vulnerabilities. Ensure that relevant stakeholders are informed promptly.
By implementing this dependency scanning plan, N3N aims to enhance the security posture of its open-source projects and provide a safe and reliable environment for contributors and users.