Threat Modeling
The objective of the threat modeling plan is to systematically identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities within N3N projects. This proactive approach helps us understand and mitigate risks early in the development process.
1. Project Overview:
- Understand the project's architecture, components, and data flow.
- Identify key assets, such as sensitive data, APIs, and user interfaces.
2. Define Trust Boundaries:
- Clearly define trust boundaries between different components and external entities.
- Identify entry points where external data or users interact with the system.
3. Identify Threats:
- Brainstorm potential threats and attack vectors relevant to the project.
- Consider common security principles such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, and least privilege.
4. Asset Analysis:
- Prioritize assets based on their criticality to the project.
- Assess the impact of a security compromise on each asset.
5. Enumerate Vulnerabilities:
- Identify potential vulnerabilities associated with each threat.
- Consider common vulnerabilities like injection attacks, authentication flaws, and data exposure.
6. Mitigation Strategies:
- Propose mitigation strategies for identified threats and vulnerabilities.
- Prioritize mitigation efforts based on risk and potential impact.
7. Security Controls:
- Define security controls to be implemented to counter identified threats.
- Consider the use of encryption, access controls, and secure coding practices.
8. Documentation:
- Document the threat modeling process, including identified threats, assets, vulnerabilities, and mitigation strategies.
- Ensure documentation is accessible to the development team and can be updated as the project evolves.
9. Review and Iteration:
- Conduct regular reviews of the threat model, especially after significant changes to the project.
- Iterate on the threat modeling process based on feedback and emerging security trends.
10. Training and Awareness:
- Provide training to the development team on threat modeling best practices.
- Foster awareness of security considerations throughout the development lifecycle.
Responsible Parties
Security Team:
- Lead the threat modeling process.
- Facilitate discussions and guide the team in identifying and mitigating threats.
Development Team:
- Actively participate in the threat modeling process.
- Implement security controls and mitigation strategies as directed.
Initial Threat Modeling Session:
- Conducted during the early stages of project planning.
Regular Review Sessions:
- Quarterly or after significant changes to the project.
Ongoing Process:
- Threat modeling is integrated into the development lifecycle as a continuous process.
By implementing this threat modeling plan, N3N aims to enhance the security posture of its projects, fostering a proactive and security-conscious development culture.